"may not beautiful but beautifully made these way, believe that perfections are rivals, free to be yourself, speaks only truth, genuinely enjoy the blithe around us, loves the oxymorons, adore reverse manner, that's makes a life like my life"
Friday, September 11, 2009
I'm Off- - - >officially out
Sadly,i have no feeling of write such thing thru net anymore..thing make me upside down is the net..
well,this mite be the last word frm me before i officially out frm diz blog. Wen the condition is okay perhaps I'll be back. But then m officially out n dunno wen i'll be back in here~~to both of my followers diz is d temporary end. Perhaps after i finish my degree den i'll be back to write.As for now i choose to be dormant. Diz isnt my choice either but this is the best~~suppose to be my choice!
Well ther r few unconditional reason for me to end my visibility in diz blog. M focusing on debating which caused me 24 hours saliva waste..the tense frm every angle killing me,therefore i hav di choice of solution..not bad i gez..no one reli read diz..lol
I dun wanna people to noe my status quo n my sucks day--i hav diz new policy of no-sharing..huhu..just bare wif it.
With dat as well i can dcrease my mentall emoic and bad words such as (s***,f%$#)etc..so i save i deed for myself tho..Tho now m havin ulcer in my mouth dat caused me to suffer in diz fasting month and my teeth aching so frekin much..my last tooth appear to grow wildly..--saket--..So after a week of being a talkative mynah(this is bird species okay)..m gonna shut up before debate cmpetition..n my mood as well not occasionally balance n i hav this periodic mental riot(hahaha jokin la--its depression jerr)
gonna miss my dirty words n diz blog tho..its the end..n i'm out ..
well,this mite be the last word frm me before i officially out frm diz blog. Wen the condition is okay perhaps I'll be back. But then m officially out n dunno wen i'll be back in here~~to both of my followers diz is d temporary end. Perhaps after i finish my degree den i'll be back to write.As for now i choose to be dormant. Diz isnt my choice either but this is the best~~suppose to be my choice!
Well ther r few unconditional reason for me to end my visibility in diz blog. M focusing on debating which caused me 24 hours saliva waste..the tense frm every angle killing me,therefore i hav di choice of solution..not bad i gez..no one reli read diz..lol
I dun wanna people to noe my status quo n my sucks day--i hav diz new policy of no-sharing..huhu..just bare wif it.
With dat as well i can dcrease my mentall emoic and bad words such as (s***,f%$#)etc..so i save i deed for myself tho..Tho now m havin ulcer in my mouth dat caused me to suffer in diz fasting month and my teeth aching so frekin much..my last tooth appear to grow wildly..--saket--..So after a week of being a talkative mynah(this is bird species okay)..m gonna shut up before debate cmpetition..n my mood as well not occasionally balance n i hav this periodic mental riot(hahaha jokin la--its depression jerr)
gonna miss my dirty words n diz blog tho..its the end..n i'm out ..
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Stressful week~~stupid intervention
Riot!Riot!m feeling well am I??i had spent my last few hours contaminating my unconcious feeling by laughing with those chicks(aai n her business n it happen to be i bought her item..gosh~but reli cute la dat thing). Still after those hours end i return to abnormal state again,,well things goin so stressful this entire week. Imagine its been more than damn half of the semester suddenly~~thers a clash claz!Friday wil be my day of fckin disaster(<------sorry for dat)!!this week it comes out to be me being so pressurable n tension n dipress n awful n unconcious..i hav role play on Fiday which carry lots of mark n at the same time the penyibuk claz dat suddenly masuk in table wanna do quiz!!so!what wil happen to me 2.30 claz vs 3.00 claz. Okay now i hav headache already~~i wish no one talk to me rite now but i need people to talk to me..wua...hows dat!..end of semester shud be a time to relax n enjoy the specific for final exam..i dont giv a shit on this~so freakin hate ma univrsity by now..so far i havent recieve any assignment frm one of my subject..THIS reli killing me!i need assignment faster! i dun wanna mix up my revision time wif those lame things!i had planned each of my day~~diz so gonna screw everything..this is not de only thing that make me stress ther are more subdipress issue..wua!WTH!diz sem is so freakin shit!
Now m workin on OD N OC last assgnment~~so many stuff hitting my head in a time n ol bcoz of the new table that come out frm nowhere!!!m so pissed
Now m workin on OD N OC last assgnment~~so many stuff hitting my head in a time n ol bcoz of the new table that come out frm nowhere!!!m so pissed
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Weekend n Sweet Corn Soup..
Wuaa the day at uncle's over,gonna miss pjol,emi,wan,sam,joi and da lil one najwa..adoh2,i've been melepaking dgn hebatnye these 2 days,of course ignorance~m a relax person,i hate stress..tgokla wen m stress(wet ol over n i dun talk to people)gler freaky,,
Btw i was spending my time wif dat cute lil kid,,haha,tho i went for shower she'll cry cuz she wanna play wif me,lol.am i dat good towards kids?i dunno how to treat kids actually,,so i just dukung her around.She juz 2 YEARS OLD n i cant understand her saying..haha..she speaks a lil english sarawak malay..hard time to translte so i juz nod for everythin what she said..
At nite i purposely stranding myself in front of tv watching back to back CSI..man i havent watch diz thing for ages(unimas dun hav astro in apartment)..whoaa..terase malas nk naik upstairs to mandi~~lol..troknye..m lepakin wif my autie,shez crazy bout this CSI so i hav fanclub,n my cuzzie aroud,,planning to go out next week..huuu..lucky pjol n others goin for terawikh,,kalo x mmg super bising at watching room.
Suddenly teringat syaful,huhu..he olwez offer us his cookies if we happen to watch dvd wif him..gosh the super crazy home theater y dmodified oleh farhan..
Now i rememba smth,my uncle lupe gimme PIC RAYE last year(i broke my dad's camera),ol cuzzie around xcept mak long's..dey ol went back to negeri 9,some balik melaka(m not sure wht dat place named) n some at johor(BP,Muar,Segamat)..I missed family gather tho~i hav lots of anak buah..only wen family gather i'll be able to met em...I miss Sophie!!lil cute fella y byk mulut,n Elisa(alliya elisa) as well and the most Damia(paling2 byk mulut byk tanye byk bergerak byk hyper!). Cant wait to raya but one of my uncle wont be around..huuu..gez gotta try raya at Srwk tho..mcm best je.Nway i miss chokey,piq,nabil,ateyn,elly,nano,sarah,iman,ren,den.iwan,shida,ina,nani,yin,zikry.
As well "THE YASMIN GANG"(haha)...syaful,farhan,fara,mira,shkin,sharina,daya,taufeeq,nastain,finaz,faiz,ana(+pjol+emi+najwa+wan+sam+jojoy),sara,baizura,borhan,ashraf...huwaaa.raye la cepat!!!diz year gonna take lots of pic since dad had...heheheheheh..new flashy~~xmo rosakkan lg!precious stuff..we'll take pic smpai 8G.huuuu...newayy..so tired juz get back!n wireless slow again..i have heaven of conection at uncle's tp lpe bwak laptopnye charger..hish3..nway m gonna do some stuff..(missmyboytoobutwherdid hego?isheokay?or he'sill?soamn WORRIED!)..daaa~
Btw i was spending my time wif dat cute lil kid,,haha,tho i went for shower she'll cry cuz she wanna play wif me,lol.am i dat good towards kids?i dunno how to treat kids actually,,so i just dukung her around.She juz 2 YEARS OLD n i cant understand her saying..haha..she speaks a lil english sarawak malay..hard time to translte so i juz nod for everythin what she said..
At nite i purposely stranding myself in front of tv watching back to back CSI..man i havent watch diz thing for ages(unimas dun hav astro in apartment)..whoaa..terase malas nk naik upstairs to mandi~~lol..troknye..m lepakin wif my autie,shez crazy bout this CSI so i hav fanclub,n my cuzzie aroud,,planning to go out next week..huuu..lucky pjol n others goin for terawikh,,kalo x mmg super bising at watching room.
Suddenly teringat syaful,huhu..he olwez offer us his cookies if we happen to watch dvd wif him..gosh the super crazy home theater y dmodified oleh farhan..
Now i rememba smth,my uncle lupe gimme PIC RAYE last year(i broke my dad's camera),ol cuzzie around xcept mak long's..dey ol went back to negeri 9,some balik melaka(m not sure wht dat place named) n some at johor(BP,Muar,Segamat)..I missed family gather tho~i hav lots of anak buah..only wen family gather i'll be able to met em...I miss Sophie!!lil cute fella y byk mulut,n Elisa(alliya elisa) as well and the most Damia(paling2 byk mulut byk tanye byk bergerak byk hyper!). Cant wait to raya but one of my uncle wont be around..huuu..gez gotta try raya at Srwk tho..mcm best je.Nway i miss chokey,piq,nabil,ateyn,elly,nano,sarah,iman,ren,den.iwan,shida,ina,nani,yin,zikry.
As well "THE YASMIN GANG"(haha)...syaful,farhan,fara,mira,shkin,sharina,daya,taufeeq,nastain,finaz,faiz,ana(+pjol+emi+najwa+wan+sam+jojoy),sara,baizura,borhan,ashraf...huwaaa.raye la cepat!!!diz year gonna take lots of pic since dad had...heheheheheh..new flashy~~xmo rosakkan lg!precious stuff..we'll take pic smpai 8G.huuuu...newayy..so tired juz get back!n wireless slow again..i have heaven of conection at uncle's tp lpe bwak laptopnye charger..hish3..nway m gonna do some stuff..(missmyboytoobutwherdid hego?isheokay?or he'sill?soamn WORRIED!)..daaa~
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