"may not beautiful but beautifully made these way, believe that perfections are rivals, free to be yourself, speaks only truth, genuinely enjoy the blithe around us, loves the oxymorons, adore reverse manner, that's makes a life like my life"
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
:( what an errand.
I'm Sucks
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Result Real :)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Invisibility Choice
Sometimes silence can make you die
I prefer invisibility in the choice because
What left in the option were only despair and frustrations
Yes, there's a line to walk thru but the lines was ruined by a fierce tornado
Fogs covered our eyes, so I shall took another road
Where to start? There's no need cuz you already walking (looking at my feet)
Its sunset.Keep walking.I'm through.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Episode 4: Malacca Errand (: [Shopping?Whattaya Think]
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Episode 3: Cooking-fever [the tomyam and empty rice cooker]
Think this is the only way that makes me feel like a bit insane and amnesia. “Cooking” I just culdn’t believe it! I went cooking the black pepper beef [1], the seafood tomyam [2], taufu [3], egg-things [4]. Of course no vege!cuz I freaking hate vegetables. I dunno who eat all the crap dat I cooked but the rice cooker was empty : ( somebody takeover the world and eat all the food! Was it dat tasty, I think so..lalala..so the responsible people who finished everything had to go out to buy a dinner. They went back home that afternoon and eat everything. Fhew, that means my cooking wasn’t that bad, its just my lazy cells dominates me. Huahuahua..I’m so not me anymore! I cooked, I did my laundry without somebody screaming at me. I’m so an “ALIEN”. Who am I??Scary tho! The very next day I tried an insane thing, “Fried Black pepper Chicken fillet”
1. All the spices dat u need the most is the black pepper
2. Chicken fillet (that took 30 minutes to clean it using 2 pairs of glove and never stop screaming over the blood!tho it’s a breast part
3. Salt and whatever
4. An egg
5. Flour (the one with spicy flava)
Alright put all the spices on the chicken, shall I said marinate ‘em. Hmm, put some salt so that it taste better. Getcha egg and mix it it with the fillet and those spices earlier. Okay on ur stove and getcha oil hottttt….final stage when ur oil is ready, put it in the flour, please make the flour covered all the fillet and wallah throw it in the frying pan..caution: dun let it black baked crisp. Ish ish ish…
Episode 3 ¾ (flashback): Add Math Tutor
Okay, if its biology, chemistry or even modern math, I can do it. Seriously, those were awesome things but add math. Freaky freaky freaky !
Episode 2 ¾: “Life as a Taxi driver”
Last nite I gotta a town ride wiv my dad, after he finished his stuff in Jalan Duta. It was late 10.45 p.m. Yeah, nothing much changed in KL since I studied there. Except there’s a new neon light on The Mall (did remind me of my youth, was my playground once). I wonder if inside still d same, especially the Bread Story and the ABC thing. Oh yeah, wonder if the Mc Donald still crammed with our high school student when it’s not holiday. We ride pass thru my old classic school (I guess now, it’s not classic anymore, dey got some Netherland influence in building structure, think it was there since before the independent..since dey got sum of money frm the ministry, they renovate the school. Truthfully, I hate d new look of the school, I hope they dun cut down that Autumn tree !) The car moving thru Jalan Tun Razak to Jalan Parliament and I dunno what Jalan anymore there, I wasn’t the type that memorize the road really well. Here we are at Jalan Pantai Bahru. All the shops were closed. Suddenly I saw a Taxi right next to our car. I saw the clock on my car. Its half past 11 already, these Taxis still wondering around getting passenger. I felt a sudden rush in my head, imagine how hard these people working. They dun care what time it was. While other people lying on their Dunlop pillowand Vono mattress these people drive through the entire town getting money to fill their growling tummy. As if they never care on sleeping either. God bless these people. People are whining on how hard their life is, while they still have house to sleep, they still have night for themselves and they still can afford McDonald and KFC for food. These are not “hard”, these are ungrateful people. Those people outthere there are more that homeless, some with kids waiting at home (starving) waiting for their father to bring something home. They couldn’t afford a fried chicken for everyone; they don’t drink coke, just plain water; cold and plain. I did learn smth. We’re on our ride home, seriously sleepy. Nights ;)
Episode 2 ½: The InterView
We got major probs because we’re there but we cudn’t find the way in. Hilarious wasn’t it. Alright we’re in, what now? The security guard on d counter never heard of the company,how pathetic until I said C-11. Here we go, at level 11. He was so blur and I speak Malay anyway. I said “Victor Group”. Its futile talking to him so I get mysev upther and a chinese man open the door for me. Yes..yes..m the one who got appointment for internship’s interview. Guess what the CEO is actually the one who gonna interview me..okay relax! Remember this is board interview chapter 5 recruitment in human resource planning, recruitment and selection. Chill2! I obviously make some educated look sitting on the chair while waiting Miss Jasmine to call out my name. Ok, I got serious lup-dup in here and to stay calm I went checking my files (SPM certificate, Matric Transcript, Temporary Transcript, National Chemistry Quiz, Innovation Award, Dean Lists Award, Demonstrator for Biz Math..all checked!!!) fhew…okay he called me in, duhhhhhhhhhhh…I said my internship 10 month! What the hell, ok I’m nervous anyway.LOL. it was only 10 week. Funny, I got a lil chat with a CEO like a professional. What the hell m I doing I talk about current issue and my deep interest in development. Whoa!!!I was a HR manager for a second J He said if I were able to revise the duration of intern he’ll hire me as well !how heaven, now I got serious hatred with my university. Unimas we need to talk! Huhu..
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Episode 2:Holiday-shopping
walk around, keep on hanging out at my hometown. Its been a long time. Btw stop the epic things, WHO LOVES TANGLE UP RAPUNZEL????lets watch!!!huhu,,oryte as i promise m gonna post some of my kitchen horrific..haha..btw one last thing~ Hey ppl outther i gotta question, if u miss someone like crazy but u dun wanna say it till d day u die, what shud u do so that he knows??greathumbpin =,<
my other spot : http://neverhidevein.blogspot.com/
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Episode 1: Holiday

Thursday, November 25, 2010
1. In total depress
2. Please my head is so miserable
3. What is it with today?
I cant figure it out what the hell is wrong. I noe its funeralmood
Feeling so helpless today
Sensing no energy flowing today
Truthfully, I'm lost in my own brain
Where m I
What m I
How m I here
My brief explaination on OL
I love diz part cuz i got some analogy for it. This thing is like u wanna find a guy or a girl. 1st, socialization, rember in socialization u share knowledge thru joint xperience. Its like wen u and ur frens going to a party searching for a boy, okay,u wanna find somebody that has what u needed. Same goes to noeledge, the place (ba) for diz phase is party (originating ba). Its a face to face thing. If u wanna noe him of course u approach him and u starts to talk about smth dat u wanna find in common. Moving on to d second phase, externalization, u start seeing each other because he got what u want, u start to meet his frenz, and get to know him deeper. You exchange numbers u text him in ym by 3G or video callin skype. Its dialoguing ba. In this case i use YM as the virtual place for dialogue. For knowledge d example is Lotus Notes, IBM:Team Focus. Then Combination phase, connect explicit knowledge frm diff sources into new systemized knowledge. Okay all info bout him dat u get frm his background, friends, teacher, neighbour and whoever lah, u kindda arrange them, preparing for next stage. In this phase u'll be supported by systemizing ba,indirect interation among ppl in group. If nak senang ingat i assume, i love him, i noe bout him, his frenz and family so indirectly i'm related to them, need to respect his family, his culture, his friends or whatever since i dah collect data dr few source before. Okay next phase is, u planning to get married in internalization. You get married then, whatever data that wujud dlm ur brain u exersize it in exersizing ba..huhu..for example, he dun eat pineapple , so when u cook jgn letak pineapple..oryte..or u wanna prepare smth like a recipe frm his mom, so u assimilates d knoledge time combination dulu2 tu and embodied dat thing. Dun forget bout ART system, simple je art system, its smth dat trigger us to move frm othr learning mode to another mode. For example culture system. If dlm organization, diorg mite foster org culture, brula dpt move to another phase. ART system ni basically dye detect d discrepancy, contohnyela..Best Practice..inside best practice tu u guys have to do diz and dat..so if kat one phase u guys kne fulfill it, nak xnk terpakse la..Example yg Wall Mart tu..dey have scheduled meeting to discuss what happen in operation. Every Friday kalo xsilap. So nk xnk, terpakse la manager go around d floor observing, approaching customers. See kan dye trigger tu. System dye culture of conducting meeting every Friday.. :) Evaluation of Organization Learning, dun be scared kawan2, this is juz a measurement mcm anova tu..haha..u wanna measure OL so u look on its intellectual capital, dlm intellectual capital tu plak ad 3 dimension human, customer and organizational. Actually u guys bleyh measure using performance gak..IC tu just one of the ways. Don't memorize, u guys need to understand what the animal called IC, refers to Dr Dursit talks dat day..but then they say diz IC ni kindda susah sket nk diterima cuz ad little solid foundation, mostly diz thing handled by managers, of course la d process dlm company, diorg yg measure, xmcm OL pnye theories, yg relates dgn psychological, management, social and whatever lg la..dlm chapter 2 yeee..IC ni xde theories sgt..kindda difficult for practitioner to disucc bout it, cuz dey dun have foundation, nk bincang kne ade foundation kalau x cmne nk bincang, pasal ape? xkn tetibe je..how odd la kan..Malas dah nk further explain, tp after knowledge creation tu, diffusion kay, followed by integration and last skali action. Before I slipped away, remember the KOLB learning cycle, very important !!! Oh m so tired !Thats all..
Until the very end. She still LOVE him.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
LoveHate 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010
The American Slang. I'm jitterbugging now.
1. Lookie-loo - customers who enjoys looking at d merchandise but has no intention to buy it..erghhh..lemme rephrase..its window shopping..duhhh
2. Jive-ass - insincere and unreliable person..
3.Nertz! -expression of frustrations..its kindda dialect for NUTS..
4. Let it lay - forget about it!
5. Shuck - smth nonsense and lil worth ( ohhh whatta shuck!)
Its kindda awesome reading diz book, btw i can tell 97% were ol talking dirty and sex thing. I noe more den enav bout dirty things..hoho..Be back wiv more lunatic slang..lol
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Yeay to the world

Since I was so obsessed wiv Tulips I kindda have loads of tulip's bouquet collections. I feel awesome everytime I gaze on these fantastic flowers. Omg can't wait fer tulips sale next year i supposed. Ahhh, its still way along day to go..I remember d last time dey had SALE..in JJ, Mid, KLCC..gosh i was there buying one piece of it..1st its fer mother's day apparently i was too greedy mysev..weeee..I feel relieved now cuz i dun have to feel d bipolar sickness in my head. I have 2 more paper to go before flyin back!I wanna do evrything! Every single thing dat i missed doing it wen I was on that long jet plane going nowher..:) Yeay to d world !