"may not beautiful but beautifully made these way, believe that perfections are rivals, free to be yourself, speaks only truth, genuinely enjoy the blithe around us, loves the oxymorons, adore reverse manner, that's makes a life like my life"
Monday, March 29, 2010
I miss my own talent--singing
Sakit Hati
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Memory Lane
Bona Cela (Saturday, May 30, 2009, 8:04:04 PM)
Missing Star (Yuna, June 2009)
Paranoid (Kanye West, June 2009 )
Matchbox Romance (Tiger Lily,June 2009)
Please Dont Leave Me ( Pink, July 2009 )
21 Gun (Greenday, Sunday, July 05, 2009, 2:17:55 AM)
Let It Go (Cavo, Sunday, July 05, 2009, 12:19:35 AM )
Love At First Sight (Jay Brannan, Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 4:30:36 PM)
Be With You (Akon, October 2009)
Unknown Song (ZH, Saturday, November 14, 2009, 4:28:59 AM)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wednesday Back!Stupid Joke!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Just Listen.Explain No More.Find ur Own Answr
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Weekend Disaster
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
:(( overindulge
this week is d only week dat i feel i wanna cry a river for it..darn~brinjal!pumpkin!brocolli!!arggggghh(m not gonna curse)..this is darn annoying man..i have to escort ppl to petronas..of course m gonna hav to voice out smth..fhew..i cannot be tired..i must not..cuz i'll..hmmm never mind,,dats emmm..forget it,gotta clean my desk..call ppl..adeh..drama practice tonyte..::the day aisya collapse::
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Today no more bad luck plez
Monday, March 15, 2010
m being runner for debate this time around..cuz its british parliamentary debate style..and i hate to do british style..besides i dun have to do reading or homework for competition..and i have more and more job to be clean by this week :(( sorry uncle i was asleep without conscious..now m up and got slides to catch up.:,(.
Spill everything>>>uncle tiang jual bawang next to kdai CD
its kindda weird wen u fell so hard,that u think u can never get up again,the only person u wanna see holding ur faith is him..i will never waste another 24 hours being a sober..he seem to be my everything and frankly, i dun even noe how those things starts its just like so ecstasy..wills and everything..(omg this is so my journal diary words)..but m just trying to tell the truth dat i really into him..if ther are reasons i cud give more than milllions..i deeply having this serious relationship issue..i love him even more!!and the rate of keeping him in my mind is obviously changing from every 5 hours to every 30 second..gosh..madly mad aisya..u gotta massive love struck (with uncle jual bawang sebelah kedai cd..*yeah..n m makcik jual kangkung..hahaha..)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
i was about for skypy laz nyte *da berkulat my skype da..havent skypin since months..too bad reception kindda worst cuz its rainin shark and dolphin~i waited for 4 hours,,still nothing goin on,xcept fb and blogs can get thru..now da stat super laju da the line..yeeehaaa..but bored :(( m addicted to lgu belaian jiwa and ada apa dgn cinta and teristimewa..huhu..my 3 malay song crush..credit to mimie for bluetooth-ing tos song to my lappy..now kenot stop already..hmmm..i miss my vammpy,,stil in fever i gez,,reli miss him..til i dunno wat to do..dats y i stay in silence and keep mysev busy wif stuff..cuz i'm darn miss him..
Friday, March 12, 2010
Percubaan Bahasa Melayu
kau tahu betapa ku sayang padamu
hanya bidadari sebagai ganti
hanya takdir menentukan ia
oh belaian jiwa
baiklah,harini (sorry dunno d ryte spell) dlm sejarah,sy telah sedaya upaya dengan bantuan kwn sy utk men/meng aplikasikan bhasa melayu dgn sebaiknya…oh tidak..sy telah berjaya menahan diri selama 12 jam utk berbahasa melayu,satu pembangunan (is it d ryte word)..sy telah men(play)kan song ..eh slap..lagu melayu (bkn exactly melay song tp Indonesian song)..huuuuu..lihat(look) sy telah berusaha memperbaiki “spelling” (maafkan sy),,ini adalah untuk kepentingan sy sebagai setiusaha FSKPM..jadi...harus tahu menaip bahasa melayu..sungguh ayat formal sy agak hancur ditelan kegagalan terhadap penggunaan ayat y sesuai..(wuuu ayat complex tuuu)..sy telah “addict dgn lagu berikut:
belaian jiwa-innuendo
ada apa dengan cinta-melly and ari lasso
sy agak sedih pd harini cuz sy rse sy xtau ape y sy rase (oh my god!!!dasyat la bm ak ni..what m I tryin to say is dat I kindda dunno how I feel)..
tiada puisi atau lagu,tiada potret tiada ______(xtau tp diz song super best,guitar!!!)
walau ku kembara sedunia..walau ketemu ramai wanita…
apakah y sy lakukan ini???sila beritahu dengan jelas apakah kelakuan ini (y cm plek je ayat ni)
baiklah,skunk kte men campur2 plak,bosan la men formal..tp sgt sedap lgu tu,skunk da melekat dlm otak mcm gam gajah (uwaaaa parabolic assumption y trok)..tp dlm byk2 pkataan ak agak blur ngan ejaan y mcm sebut lain tp taip len,agak plek la tp sapu je la,,nila masalah ak ble tlis bm,sesuka suki je nk pkai bhasa Cendawan zaman atom-patayya (apakah zaman ini)..ble informal rse xsesak nafas cm kne sekat getah “ban”..aaaahahahahah…mmg terase sengal ble try nk pki bahasa melayu,syez,tho bm ak A1 time spm sebub ak hafal word and line,,,trime kasey ckgu hazilah,,hahaha..ak bley je pki bhase bombastic retorik terlampau yg mnecederakan otak ntok pk..tp ak bley men language (sorry exception)…je..ble wat karangan (summary essay) ala lpe la nme dye dlm bm..tp yg pendek2kan tu..mmg la semput nk buang sebub sume npk cm btol..tbe2 ak rindu nk gne pkataan sbub and skunk..da asyik terbawak2 bi..sampai tdo pn mengigau(btol ke eja ni?) meroyan dlm bi…sungguh la ak ptot kne keje kt dewan bahasa..kalo pki yg cmni mmg la bley ble nk wat ayat formal naaaa…time tu org y ak xpnah ak telefon pn ak Telefon semata2 nk suro translate,,thap tatabahasa y pening2 lalat terhantuk tiang bendera..yeay,,xsangke ak hebat gak bwat ayat sengal dlm bm,,ak mmg terer pn just formal dan ad setengah/sesetengah ejaan y ak nk tercabot neuron pk..kan da pajang karangan ak ni,,sme je bm ke bi,idea ttp mencurah2 ke ladang gandum..
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thursday is BACK,i hate u,i love u,both in case
Pesanan Terakhir (ak bkn prank-er)
tbe2 ak igt kt vampy,rse cm nk tanye soklan btol ke dye ske ak?sbub ak mcm gle syg dye..(ya rabbi ni y ak xske bm ni..ko akn directly phm ape yg ko tlis)..for me la,,org xtau..ak je tau,ak leh ckp diff thing kt org tp ak je tau ape yg ak tau..hmmm..ape ak merepek ni,,dey all bley ckp suro ak move on,,,ak bley pretend ak da move on..hallo ak still ngan dye kay!!tp diz thing wat ak xtdo mlm..sbub diorg xtau..ak y rse bkn diorg,,ak y tau nape ak ske dye..ak je tau faham x?!!!n ak xrse nk share npe ak ske dye,,bia ak sorang je tau,,ak pnah remind dat ak nk org treat ak equal..mean if ak bg banyak mne org tu kne bg as byk as what ak bg..(bukan barang kay) tp commitment..hish..kne gak terangkan abc to z..kang ad gak y misunderstood n ak kne blow smpai china ke Alaska..come on la,,ak bkn org yg betray ape yg ak preach,,ak akn ckp bende y ak akan buat,,ak bkn mainkan org man!ak xmainla pasang 2 3 4 10..1000..gle apeke..mcm ak mkn gak,1 lauk mean 1 direction je,I jenis,n xbercampur..syez ak xske tgok pmpuan y mainkn laki..tho ak girl (with 0.5 boyish) hahah..syez ak nyampah tgok,,dah ad 1 satu jela,,menyusahkan dri nk psg byk2,,love bkn cm credit card,swap sne sni..gle tol..kalo xske ckp tros terang..xyah nk forward2 smpai lme2..kalo just nk main2 pegi la blik zaman high school,men puas2..ni da adulthood kalo nk prank2 org mmg xbermoral nmenye..ni bukan post emo kay..ak just ckp ape y ak rse btol..tho kalau org y bwat tu kwn baik ak sekalipun ak rela ckp go straight to hell..ak xske tgok org gne org len,prank2..sbub kurang gne otak ntok berpk....nyampah siot,tgok tuka2 org kejap ngan org len tbe2 ngan org len..kalo kawan ak cmtu mmg ak sepak terajang la wey..syez thap Cendawan,,try la put urself in their shoe..kalo ko xske kne prank jgnla prank org,,what goes around comes around...diz is nasihat for BOYS AND GIRLS OUTtHERE...thats all for today..ak nk msuk mood English lg..japg nk tuka lgu lm playlist..muak da ak ulang2 ada apa dengan cinta,,tp mmg ak vote for indigo n innuendo!!!thumb up (xtau pe bende dlm bm)
I LOVE ...........................................
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
No ONE can handle it
i wish m american or smth,,reli hate being a.....u noe..do i need to mention here? (ppl got too much stereotype thingy)-urgggghhh crap ppl..i started to hate~start to plant a hatred tree ..
hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u hate u earth ppl!!!!i am frm venus...
i dun want heart,liver,neurotransmitter,amygdala,kidney,pancreas throwin it away in trash can!!!!!!!..i had my vices and no one can handle it,,,i mean it...no one can handle it,,tho they say they do,,like how u handle my vices anyway??????tell me a way to handle,,handle is not changing it,handle is not molding it..handle is control..handle is manage..handle is deal..handle is bare..do i need to explain more???i hate it wen ppl say "can u try diz way instead of dat way" stupid ke??????
Aisya Life Analysis
My parietal lobe saket~I think I have too much force on attention rather than my intelligent part,,*try to eradicate divided attention with diverge into more than 36 tv channel..(ape y di pk aisya oiii)..this is really disrupting my prior purpose for my task!!!i dun wanna sounds like academic freak~noe wat, I have loaded of information transfer and its getting overload,,from 36 channel into 70++ (like astro)..
Too much influence in business analysis which leads me crazy 72 hours of digesting alternatives in my head,,its 80% leading to personal matter rather than learning issue!!..m so infected by this maniac analysis,,drive a key factors..(Aisya scenario planning)..1. Economic matter 2. Social Dimension 3. Political (parent) 4. Culture and norms 5.Health and welfare 6. Performance value
(according to DR KHAIRIL—most likely to happen)
Scenario 1 Increase Profit and Revenue(duet pocket) | Scenario 2 89% FUN per semester | Scenario 3 Health Det: Migraine and Gastric |
Mom and dad is not stingy and stringent any law..lol | Mom and dad will screw my life if they noe I’m fooling around | Mom and dad will send me to Dr Kuben every holiday and do some blood test and worst I have regular checkup..uuu |
More vampire novels will be on my desk..till no more space | Addiction inhibit cuz I might get initial warning for upcoming economic downturn (as in my money menyiput) | There will be new addiction of other genre of novel cuz Dr Kuben wont allow me to be in vampire world and think so much bout the blood sucker…cuz my migraine will get worst..lol (whatta theory)..and I will skip meal just to get to the end of the storyline |
Happiness level will pop out and will be able to overcome boredom and ignore threats | 50/50 of jovial and others emotion swing,,heee | Will spend more time growling in pain and sleep and have no time to be happy or sad because pain is more or less take control over everything |
I’ll be a bit friendly and start smiling to everyone or at least no stupid faces..and more friends.. | More friendly than ever in my clan,,because learn too much fun..and its time to rub dirt on ur butt..ngee | I’ll be dull and monotonous and gloom and no time to make any social relation or even online socialization..urghh..too bad.. |
Same culture but with added value of trusting people and enjoy life to the max because we deserve it | New added culture of fun over the limit..hahaha..and value to be a ble to divide time for study and fun..multiple task I can deal..so with intelligent..hahaah..poyo gle! | Stagnant culture because culture only change wen we socialize around and experience new stuff..what can u do wen u have 99% time on ur bed.. |
Make it to 3.7 and dean list,,study with happiness will make a high score in basket | Make it to 3.5 because the 0.2 more had been abducted by fun issue and few threats | Make it 3.4..uuuu…cuz byk tdo and ubat..and gosh life gonna be boring like freakin damn hell super boring.. |
Monday, March 8, 2010
WHAT!!!!RM 131~oh my prada--dats how my SUNDAY end
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I'm gonna be O-K-A-Y
party for Irene
Creepy hi!!my proposal to parental court is approved!!!yeay,,m gonna have diz set of vampire academy series..i cant believe dad actually buy my words..he’s kindda outta town now..wicked,I said dat m dying to have diz books and ther will be exhibition and I have member card~gulp…I eventually have card for every bookstores in malaysia tho.lol.(m just being innocent tell d truth n dad buy my word)..i have mid term assessment wif Dr Khairil..mr fang..hehe..he got fang for d god sake me and khad were focusing in claz for d sake of his fang,how cud we be so stupid and even during our 30 min presentation last Wednesday,imagine I haven’t read 110 page scenario planning for Australia and I have to present..of course bluff all the way..changing the crew whatever,,heeee..dala his class kinda menguji keimanan,spooky and yada..yada.. clas pling seram in history!!
Last nite we throw out some party for Irene,happy birthday benny girl!!(m so screwed if she knew I called her wif diz name)..i’d wait for my vampire to text,uhm,gez he’s too busy,never mind,catch him later..but in case,I still waiting..1 am 2 am and 3 the peak..none of d sign my text delivered..dats okay I still love u whatever happen!!dats my stand and I dun care..(kindda miss him now,not kindda but crazy missing him)..i’ll wait..=,l…ther goes Aisya again..lol
M in neutral mood ryte now so,plez dun anyone screwed it..sometimes I just felt dat I deserve being zombies,u don’t feel pain and zombie’s don’t care bout basic needs!!no biggie..gonna have to finish my script since ridzhan will be a new cast..heee..he’s d devil,,n dat Houghton nk skip his part (dun u ever wish!!!)..and stepmother Fatima..m gonna make u look really like a stepmom..i must be insane lately!!!gosh pulld unintended wire in my brain,,fix my heart and glue it well,and strengthen back my crippled vein..wash my brain,delete my hippocampus worst part..jap g ak kne epilepsy!!!!!huwaaa..m homesick!!!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
.i'm lost
Friday, March 5, 2010
Potential Energy...No Pressure for today i HOLD
Its been awhile,after a few busy day..3 hell day of the week,urghh..ol noe dat,,last nite was an obvious dreadful moment,I was curling up like a ball,I had my gastric badly..no mom around to make me some porridge with soup or any soupy noodles..=,(..m not getting sympathy anyway,hell no cuz..its just no as an answer..well,Thursday always heaven for me cuz no crappy class going on..always a laundry day,but wen I checked my laundry bag it’s not dat much of item in it,so don’t waste 3 buck for 3 piece of fabric..*a new definition of saving money for new novel..speaking about novel itself,I spent my daylight in d dark almost no-light at all..i’ve been reading my NEW VAMPIRE novel,just bought it yesterday,and now 70% of d book was totally done..m really a novel maniac now..u noe,its just too boring tho u have piling up assignment like French alps yet still wen there’s a space in between its boring,u dun xpect ppl to come and have fun wif u like dey dun have stuff to do,cuz I’m different,just different frm them..while ppl busy revising m on my bed sleeping..its just how I study and how I examine myself as different,,there’s a time wen I’m being serious and ppl were really on d mood of having fun,I can catch up lectures wif my eyes closed..weird ain’t it..
I was staying in d room until sunset and I woke up away frm snuggling wif tammy,dbook was on my face..and *forehead kindda suffer of sudden pain..screw me,,I was thinking of continuing my sleep at 8 but I heard footsteps that I believe I shud ignore (its cken and mie)..dey were like chatting bout smth in my room at d other side..untill tim came in and said..god Aisya now I see u turning into vampire..i was like,okay (happy wif d statement )..i wanna be vampire,skipped the eternity part but think of flashing here and there in d supreme speed and u sleep during daylight,I love dat idea of being a night creature..gosh if I cudn’t be one at least let me marry one!!!micheal and shane was toooo gorgeous in diz novel,,tell u what ppl,vampire always d hunk hottie one..*whatever..obsession to vampire is getting worst (bite me..duhhhh)..lol..m looking forward d HOUSE OF NIGHT series..its like 119 buck =,( I overspend money!!! No good no good really..somebody plez gimme vampire books!!m dying to be wif vampire!!sounds like whacko but never mind,I’m now spreading diz viruses to my housie,but den they’re not English novel ppl..hmm too bad just mie infected,next m biting cken..lol *I wanna FANG!!! (facebook is no longer my point of interest) m all about vampire now,me and vampire cannot be separated (aisyaluvampire)
Alaaaaaa….she text me (refers to my classmate),hand me chapter 2 and 3 tommorow..crap,,I haven’t finish chapter 2,never mind it wont take long,I have the stuff,chapter 3 I’m done with it,class suppose to be at 10 and we have diz discussion and great somebody brilliantly put my name on one Malaysia speech session tomorrow at 7.30 pm..crap2..i had too much and I bet I just overindulged in university stuff,,but thanx god I still have time for myself (novel yeay)..i have no idea how m I suppose to handle university thingy in a moment I have credit hours to be collected..DEBATE..i miss them,at least m not outthere to be a speaker but then I miss d fun in d club,listening to Melvin grumbling bout stuff and grisha and we walked together to college and have a gossip session (Hollywood stuff we dun bother unimas stuff)..and everytime it has to be Edward Cullen,and dat lartner fheww..tired day tho not going out,I shall stop reading for a week I gez..i have 17 journals to be clear by Wednesday and dat Dr Khairil assessment..maaaaa…I have plenty of work exactly and I shall start working on it,,maybe diz blog will miss my post for few hours cuz usually I have more than a post in a day,since I have this time constraint thingy I cant help myself,,