"may not beautiful but beautifully made these way, believe that perfections are rivals, free to be yourself, speaks only truth, genuinely enjoy the blithe around us, loves the oxymorons, adore reverse manner, that's makes a life like my life"
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Gonna Be Real Sick
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Song::I waited because i
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Rhodensia Blindness Is You
I waited because i...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Toy Story,Foods I'm Happy
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Our Vacation June Tribute
Dewi,Me,Pink and Irene,it was a great place,bountiful and peaceful,i clearly remember the smells and wind,i love beach so much!
Digi Live Tour Concert,which have a bitter middle story,see that girl wif blue sleeveless shirt,i hate her..lol,but that was really fun and awesome night!
What Makes A Girl
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Thanks Tammy
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Makes Me Stronger
Friday, June 11, 2010
Aku nak Nanges!!Kuat2!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Twinkle twinkle
i see on d sky
night zephyr sweeps
like a sweet velvet touch
c/o : its d world u see i see
a beautiful one
its d pain i held the pain that u paint
i noe i miss you
cuz i remember when you say,(keep on say-ay-ing)
All those stars are blinds
Some day somehow this pain will heal
When its true there’s nothing is real
2nd c/o :its love you give your kiss
remains in my dream
its things you teach you preach
ohh i miss you badly (don’t you know…oww)
cuz i remember when you say (keep on say-ay-ing)
This loves are blind
by Aisya
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
New Edition: Talking is like eating chips with spicy flavor. That was my assumption,but now for me talking is like paper cutting machine. Whats d relation anyway?i can never explain myself. Yes,d eve had turn into shadows and darkness. Okay thank you college for givin me such divine experience of floating. I just confuse with my life again,neither my brain nor any part of my cognition help me with answers. What kind of answer am i looking for?i nver noe myself. A question tht exist for no reason. Just be strong in life. That's what i am now. What i can't see what others can..i'm learning it by the time i was ready to fly away frm this cocoon called early adulthood. Wise is better,what i feared the most is making mistakes out there. A world dat nobody could tell how safe we are in it. What i noe is,gotta face everything with patience and faith. Never lose grip on my stand. I was reli telling myself that world is beautiful,yet some part in here *pointing at my forehead, telling me world is just an ugly things that gives us loads of scars. Hey girl,nvr givup!i said to myself. So here i am,wake up again frm yesterday's fallen. As a mature person,no more wrath control me. Cause really i'm gona be 21 soon,very2 soon. I keep what i like about myself and i throw away the badass thing that can ruin my life. This is me now, a never givup!gay with perks..i wanna be d first person who nvr weep for small things. I will be one day..i will :) ..i have dreams tht i doodled. Whether i come true thats just another story dat god will take care of. The point is,i'm dreaming of dreams. Stay strong Aisya!you're dat girl who ripped her knee so many time in basketball court,you're that girl who get up and say "alamak koyak",you're tht girl who cont playing with blood drippin and get scolded for rippin of her pants. You're tht girl who live in her wonderland,drowning in her musics and poetry tht she wrote,you're the one tht appreciate yourself for singing in d showers,for doing stupid on dining table,for being such epic in your journal..so be tht girl cause she used to be strong. :,) ps:W E D D I N G D R E S S is awesome!
Painful is such a retard vocab
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Tired of schools!mature is a real vocab for me
Sunday, June 6, 2010
As Long As You Love Me,epic song!
Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine
I'm leavin' my life in your hands
People say I'm crazy and that I am blind
Risking it all in a glance
And how you got me blind is still a mystery
I can't get you out of my head
Don't care what is written in your history
As long as you're here with me
I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me
Who you are
Where you're from
Don't care what you did
As long as you love me
Every little thing that you have said and done
Feels like it's deep within me
Doesn't really matter if you're on the run
It seems like we're meant to be
I've tried to hide it so that no one knows
But I guess it shows
When you look into my eyes
What you did and where you're comin from
I don't care, as long as you love me, baby
Friday, June 4, 2010
Semalam Bersama Kipas dan Perut Lapar
I happen to
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Just Don't Make Me Remember
Steal The Moments

A lil bit frm author of ashvex vehemence parcel,recently i had been struck by sum sort of poise idiocy,well,deleting is d best way..i figure it out how dun mourn for d dead instead pray for them..time had gone so fast,i grow up celebrating anniversary of her blog..dat actually starts on june 2008..for certain circumtances and inevitable event i manage to handle diz thing and start makin rapid post on october 10..still delayed..so november is wher i had my copy paste ugly thing..and june is d anniversary of smth *okay no need..well cheers to d world..let d light in!