"may not beautiful but beautifully made these way, believe that perfections are rivals, free to be yourself, speaks only truth, genuinely enjoy the blithe around us, loves the oxymorons, adore reverse manner, that's makes a life like my life"
It had been bleary days back there. I was convicted into work life balance issue. (wish i hv remote cntrol to fast fwrd and rew things). Well no such thing okay. There's a dark side of it dat u nvr noe what it is. So, dun wish for too much magic. I dun wanna be in history book. Saying dat in 2011, a girl was disappeared with mysterious manner. She was nowhere to be found till 2030, archelogist found her tomb which stated dat she died 70 years ago, before her actual birth. What was she? a vampire? dang~
Shall we talk bout othr stuff now? death is d only word dat i wanna avoid till i have my name carved on d CEO door. Every wednesday, i'll treat my staff with choc indulgence and my secretary dun have to pour coffee for me. Basically, m gonna be the nicest person in d office. (but seriously if they messed up i can't tell how horrendous i can be, retrenchment!) Seriously can we talk about food now? Me and my normal imbalance eating hormone. (normal imbalance-was it oxymoron). I love foods but i love western foods more. So sorry that's just me. Its not dat i dun like locals but watch my statement. I love foods but "i love western more". Well, 3 years of me staying in Kuching i have top 5 favorite spot dat i use to get my insanity source.
Here we go:
1. Sharing Planet
Regular Order: Supreme d volail
Drink: Peach Iced Tea
2. Kenny Rogers
Regular Order:Quarter meals (black pepper)-macaroni cheese, fruits, rice
Drink: Tropical Paradise :)
3. Delizze
Regular Order: Chicken Blue smth2
Drink: Guava Juice
4. Secret Recipe
Regular Order: Chicken +Black Pepper+ Rice
Drink: Orange Apricot Slushie
Regular Order: Chicken Chop
That were all my fav fuds. Seriously i nvr changed my menu whenever I went ther. So do wen get into pizza, top 3 will be carbonara, bologonise and beef peperoni. I will never ever getbored wiv d same meals cuz dat one struck my heart. huhu..Once i love d things served before me dat will d same order for 35 more years..hahah..
but i love locals tooo..i love tomyam so d very super much,the best restaurant goes to "de iris". super nice thai foods were served there. Now m starving already.Gotta go..got a bus to catch...library not awesome waitin wiv books and thesis..
It has been a good day, since I become d worst fungi-girl. No jokes, doin course work in d dark with winter gloves (I can't bare d freeze). If it doesnt appear in USA or UK..i think it does in Sarawak,Malaysia. I did a loathsome job in d room. I'm a moment away to print out my questionnaire anyway (how i hope i dun hav to do diz). Chirping sounds of birds telling me its goin to be a good day and i can go for jogging! yeay...I was craving for carbonara again, how m i goin to tell myself to divide d nutrient equally??why do they have to be more heinous to d legs. I relli cant get it!!
How old m I??n i still have a 1st tooth pain syndrome. I wonder how diz biological work on me cuz at my stage which no more a teenager (i dun even have dat side left on me) I have a growing teeth. Its rather ridiculous den fantastic..which mean i still can grow taller or what..160cm wasn't enav for me (i guess, so start dreaming being uma thurman wiv 180 height..tch). I'm such a gigantic dreamer (i can't accept ths). Ths is a sign of aging or what?So, because of diz I have to swallow porridge. (like cmon teeth dun do diz to me). Even d carbonara last taste like pain!!Ahhh,,i can go lunatic wiv such thing :(
Even singing make my teeth wanna blow!great today i gotta have another errand to my faculty (is it open btw? or d staff oredy in hols..hmm...