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"may not beautiful but beautifully made these way, believe that perfections are rivals, free to be yourself, speaks only truth, genuinely enjoy the blithe around us, loves the oxymorons, adore reverse manner, that's makes a life like my life"
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Winter Season In Malaysia * I guess
I'd rather live in d cave. I dunno why lately my ears become so sensitive over certain decibel of noise. Well, as usual, m meditating in library. A week to go before exam week, i feel half frenzy with my fyp and I have upside down timing for my finals' revision. Life is complicated anyway, tho we nvr meant to see it that way. So, I need more positive cells for 2 weeks of survival. Stress will make you feel like everyday is PMS..*scary. Currently playing in my player is "california king bed-rihanna". Its a nice song, ever since rihanna become bad girl monster, i'm loosing my innocence over her. *seriously. I like her slow musics better than her nonsense whatever song. Now, Next to You by Chris Brown & Justin Bieber. I'm not really a Bieber fan, but I like few of his song. It favors me tho..:D but to be his fan. *HELL no.
Its raining outside, so I bet anyone can guess d temperature inside diz building. It feels like being in ice box. I nvr knew Malaysia had turned into a country of below 0 degree Celsius. In this place (called CAIS) sure it does. OH yeah I read ma friend's blog juz now. What captured my attention was her latest post. Hmm when I think bout it, I did make a few lines from there :D what girls say and what does it really mean. Of course, guys think it as simple as it just words. Sometimes when i think about it pinch girls just being to protective over her ego, some cared too much on not ruining their relationship, some just love to beat around d bush. Seriously where does it takes you at the end of d day. Sounds like point right?
And guys, *through observations, think they dun understand diz girl whatsoever languages ppl called. So, another code will do :D. I like that post, can I reblog it ..hehe..seriously girls n boys are d same species but it seems like they're cuming frm diff planet. I dun wanna make analogies, cuz my analogy always turn up to be aweful and outside, its chilly here, even typing can't make your fingers warm.jeez..and yeay..diz wednesday we have a farewell vacation at Damai Resort. I'll totally rock my day. Its my final sem n i wanna spend as much time as I could with my friends..:) and to someone across d globe, i'll definitely grow fat soon :) so mark your word :D ily!
Its raining outside, so I bet anyone can guess d temperature inside diz building. It feels like being in ice box. I nvr knew Malaysia had turned into a country of below 0 degree Celsius. In this place (called CAIS) sure it does. OH yeah I read ma friend's blog juz now. What captured my attention was her latest post. Hmm when I think bout it, I did make a few lines from there :D what girls say and what does it really mean. Of course, guys think it as simple as it just words. Sometimes when i think about it pinch girls just being to protective over her ego, some cared too much on not ruining their relationship, some just love to beat around d bush. Seriously where does it takes you at the end of d day. Sounds like point right?
And guys, *through observations, think they dun understand diz girl whatsoever languages ppl called. So, another code will do :D. I like that post, can I reblog it ..hehe..seriously girls n boys are d same species but it seems like they're cuming frm diff planet. I dun wanna make analogies, cuz my analogy always turn up to be aweful and outside, its chilly here, even typing can't make your fingers warm.jeez..and yeay..diz wednesday we have a farewell vacation at Damai Resort. I'll totally rock my day. Its my final sem n i wanna spend as much time as I could with my friends..:) and to someone across d globe, i'll definitely grow fat soon :) so mark your word :D ily!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Part l: Suprise for Dewi
Happy Birthday to my gedix girl, Dewi !! I hope she had so much fun on her day, seriously its not her alone but US..we're being extremely gay and I ended up sleeping like a drop dead person. Birthday Part l, was awesome, I tot i heard Irene said "pls dun take too long, I have work to do" Yeah ryte, we spent a day at Bing! Oh yeah Martha juz cudn't stop forcing us to eat her beef lasagna. Damn, it taste good & hell I'm full :) This is d first surprise for Dewi..
I tot d day end soon BUT we're going insane for laser tag. The fun part was, we were suppose to tag our opponent BUT..we always shot one another, which in d same team. *rolling eyes*. Khad was havin a hard time since she bumped her head on smth. (sure d bruise will come out in few days) I love shooting Debbie frm d back cuz she's too busy confronting ppl on her forth. Pinky was screaming like a maniac everytime she run here and there shooting everyone.
It was the best 20 minutes finally I sweat all over (not really sweating actually). Seriously!!!A++ for laser tag & pls dun talk bout exams. :D ! Our trip did not end at laser tag, of course, its a hot day & u spent time running here and there in d dark to tag ppl. I'm thirsty man! so next destination was "ais kacang" hahaha..I love Swee Kang! I dunno othr drinks but I'll definitely order Jagung refreshing!!..
Well, onething dat i noe bout the girls, we had a bad decision making. It took us 30 min to decide a place to eat, a place to go, a place to pee..gosh! we're really bad at it ;) So here come d decision making session,,after a few minutes paused we decided to go for bowling. Oh diz girl really have extra mitochondria. Bowling was suppose to be awesome but our line always got reschedule & whatever high points dat we got was deleted. It was frustrating but again we're sweating because we laughed too much.
Finally, a place for dinner!! ( i noe diz will take more than half an hour..fuhh). Sharing planet?delizze?khatulistiwa?the spring?....=Kim Bay at spring...haih..I had a very nice nasi lemak there & i tot chinese dun like spicy fuds..hmmm...That's a very tiring schedule of the day. As a result, I had a feeble leg and all my limbs aches badly, haha..thats just Part l....

Well, onething dat i noe bout the girls, we had a bad decision making. It took us 30 min to decide a place to eat, a place to go, a place to pee..gosh! we're really bad at it ;) So here come d decision making session,,after a few minutes paused we decided to go for bowling. Oh diz girl really have extra mitochondria. Bowling was suppose to be awesome but our line always got reschedule & whatever high points dat we got was deleted. It was frustrating but again we're sweating because we laughed too much.
Finally, a place for dinner!! ( i noe diz will take more than half an hour..fuhh). Sharing planet?delizze?khatulistiwa?the spring?....=Kim Bay at spring...haih..I had a very nice nasi lemak there & i tot chinese dun like spicy fuds..hmmm...That's a very tiring schedule of the day. As a result, I had a feeble leg and all my limbs aches badly, haha..thats just Part l....
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Busy Day-Presentation-Bone Cracked
Hello has not been ages but for quite sometime i have not been blogging. Simple answer, "I'm busy". According to d vacation stamp on d right box of my blog, I have around 3 weeks here. It shouldn't be a mirth nor mournful day when the time comes. I'll be leaving all d 3 years hardship and wonderful experiences. So do my girls..well, lets not be in a gloomy mood. Its Saturday, of course, weekend is d only time I'll be having a supernova internet connection. Yet, i still missing something..dat someone across d globe. Lately I have few bad lucks tossing it's jinx around me. I missed a few important text frm someone that i've been waiting for. Too bad, if its not sleeping then it has to be my phone is in silent mode. Funny thing, my rommie saw me sleeping with hand holding my cellphone. I'll wait again till he text me :) I promise! huhu
Speaking bout waiting, last Monday is d day that I've been waiting for. Final Year Project presentation day! Lucky me, Mr Phillip was my evaluator. I couldn't imagine getting another lecturer as my evaluator. That fatherly man deserve a crown for a very supportive comment. Way to go Mr Phill !! Everything seems okay. However I have to work out extra time since I have 4 report to compile. Its making me quite busy for a "supposed" relaxing day. By the the time my presentation over I can scream and jump till d cloud nine! Its the last presentation I ever had in university. I don't have to present anything anymore as a student !!!yeay!!!..I love presentations and i hate it too. Probably my lecturer felt tedious wen it comes for presentations. I hate my face either, for being on the stage or the rostrum talking things..well its over btw..they dun have to see me with my weird slang & debating on my cost benefit analysis. :D..
Last nite I slept at 8.30 pm till 6 am, I felt my bone cracked every-time I turn around on my bed. Seriously, d sign of tiredness. Fuhhh..I hope today will end good :)
Speaking bout waiting, last Monday is d day that I've been waiting for. Final Year Project presentation day! Lucky me, Mr Phillip was my evaluator. I couldn't imagine getting another lecturer as my evaluator. That fatherly man deserve a crown for a very supportive comment. Way to go Mr Phill !! Everything seems okay. However I have to work out extra time since I have 4 report to compile. Its making me quite busy for a "supposed" relaxing day. By the the time my presentation over I can scream and jump till d cloud nine! Its the last presentation I ever had in university. I don't have to present anything anymore as a student !!!yeay!!!..I love presentations and i hate it too. Probably my lecturer felt tedious wen it comes for presentations. I hate my face either, for being on the stage or the rostrum talking things..well its over btw..they dun have to see me with my weird slang & debating on my cost benefit analysis. :D..
Last nite I slept at 8.30 pm till 6 am, I felt my bone cracked every-time I turn around on my bed. Seriously, d sign of tiredness. Fuhhh..I hope today will end good :)
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