Saturday, December 11, 2010

Result Real :)

I 'm so hell excited. Of course the result is out :) and awesome!Thanks my almighty! I think I was d last person who login to smp. Its officially yesterday but u noe, i drained my few bucks sending ill-ed text messeges to unimas sms service. Seriously, I did checked my personal detail twice, i tot it was someonelses' account. Correct! its my name on it and my stupid passport pic. (urgh..=D) above of all m so head over heels. Thanks for last minute inspiration and thanks for being a freezing chick for 2 weeks in library, thanks for being such a creepy asshole and sociopath breakdown living thing in that library. Not forgotten thank to my lecturer, the most to miss farida :) finally she gave me A..fheww and Mdm Sheilla as well, next time we'll have an errand a month earlier and bout that level of learning, never mind, i get the point now :). Almost flat, I think I know why and I know how. Another dean list! love u books and everything !


mell said...

Dean's List again?? congratz ..

i don't know how that feels like T___T

JustKeepOnWriting said...

woah....dean list... <3
hebat skrg..sng la nk cari kerja nnt..kan..erk,,ke ko nk smbung master

AshLisbeth Blomkovist said...

mell-it feels like you've eaten the whole textbook..huhu..nola..dun worry mell...chaiyok2!u still have time :)

justkeepon..:nola..biase je..struggle sket2..hihi