"may not beautiful but beautifully made these way, believe that perfections are rivals, free to be yourself, speaks only truth, genuinely enjoy the blithe around us, loves the oxymorons, adore reverse manner, that's makes a life like my life"
Monday, January 31, 2011
Keeping Up Weight
On d othr hand, m so addicted to heart aint brain. Not just that but monalisa as well. They really have such a good music to listen to. Thanks to "Hunky grandpa" who gave me dat chris brown song dat now i'm downloading bout 30 of his song :). Thanks granpa (i noe he will kill me for calling him grandpa,but! it suit him well..hunky grandpa who lives somewhere across d globe). Last nite i dwnloaded afgan song..dat Afgan boy look like hero nakamura in HEROES..haha..seriously now i notice dat..not bad for a asian like him to hav a song called dia dia dia..think i've heard d tone somewhere before. One more thing is dat, i cant believe m hooked up with Korean dramas!!!oh god pls just make me stop..i noe dat my external still have broad spaces for such a thing. I mean its contagious!!!grrr..btw i gotta fly 1st..see u ppl soon!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Somewhere Across The Globe
However smth dat sparks my weeks really help me out. I sort out my life accordingly now. :) I will work harder!
1. to be happy all d time
2.wake up next morning and smile
3. eat alot so dat i grow up
5. dont shit ppl
6. Put muse & chris brown in my music player
7. Listen to them when i...
8. Not to be over-stress
I love you world!Thanks for such awesome week :)
Monday, January 24, 2011
Bad Day,Bad Luck
It happened wen I was going out frm thesis room. Its either i had a black cloud following me or its just my unlucky day. Dat kerb!!!very d harmful,,seriously its like pulling my intestine out. "sakit gle!" . I purposely dun wanna take a peek on it cuz its bleeding T_T..apelah malang sgt today. Think i got an early signal over this. (i actually brought my cute tiger plast..hahah..it comes with colors and designs :)) at least m not dat freak out..
The Ballade of Monalisa [ILY panic! at the disco]
He starts to notice empty bottles of gin
And takes a moment to assess the sin she’s paid for...
A lonely speaker in a conversation
Her words are swimming through his ears again
There’s nothing wrong with just taste of what you paid for
Say what you mean tell me im right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign
I wanna believe
Whoa Mona Lisa, you’re guaranteed to run this town Whoa Mona Lisa I’d pay to see you frown
He sense something call it desperation another dollar another day and if she has the proper words to say she’d tell but she’d have nothing left to sell him...
Say what you mean tell me I’m right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign I wanna believe
Whoa Mona Lisa, you’re guaranteed to run this town Whoa Mona Lisa I’d pay to see you frown
Oh Mona Lisa
Say what you mean tell me I’m right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign
I wanna believe
Whoa Mona Lisa, you’re guaranteed to run this town Whoa Mona Lisa I’d pay to see you frown
Say what you mean tell me I’m right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign
I wanna believe
There’s nothing wrong with just a taste of what you paid for....
Whats up with that weekend
Friday, January 21, 2011
Give up? Over My Dead Body
The lucky Friday dat we're talking about is d day with seriously human resource system class. Pardon me wen I have to stay alive for 5 hours. Holy cow! The class tht only appear twice a month really tiring. What on earth were they talking bout database and all. I need a break, tmrow is Saturday, perfect i need a nap before i cud start being a machine again. Fuhhhh. What is exactly going on in my life, I nvr knw myself. Guess I need to recharge battery for next week, shud be a busy week..Where was I again? Oh okay, the HRIS class..its grouping day!!!!i hate diz i hate diz, really freaking hate ths :( ths is my final sem, i dun wanna be in a team dat have trouble makers, hmm lucky I got on d boat wiv martha and ding ling, oh my savior. hope diz things work well, i cannot afford getting low marks, cuz m telling u ths is my final semester. Anything can pull my heart out. Fuhh~ chill okay chill,,i can do ths, i have to work more,, m not giving up on the last check point. Giving up?Over my dead body. I will nvr ever ever ever give up.
Speaking bout give-up, I'm on my way on pilot test :) shud be finishing soon. Thesis really killing me. Part 2 pls dun hell trouble me :(. Fighting! (too much korean influence). Wont give up, cuz i hate seeing myself being a coward who gives up. There's always a way out, unless u dun wanna put an effort on it, unless u dun wanna try a bit harder. There's no definition of give-up.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Precious Manner
Here come the after 2 things, when i think dat suppose to be my free time, ok ths is not exciting anymore,its like m flipping a chunky book which i nvr knw how many page are they until u stop flipping. (never ends). Oh yeah not to mention I have issues being nice with boys. Its either it get me nervous or fire up in rage (u noe like a volcano). Obviously I have issues to talk about regarding boys manner. I’m not being prejudice & discrimination mental. (neither). I’m not gonna waste my time scolding ppl, cuz i juz find dat my life is so precious and I dun have time for lame things (honestly). I’m just pissed wiv few of parasites dat never get it tho i’ve been draining saliva to get rid of it. (i can die with hatred). How cud u be so annoying at someone else page. Ths specific individuals (plural) really pissed me off. I accidently replied a comment with “fuck!”..come on, seriously, whoever get me pissed, they shud be sorry.
I’ve been repeating diz line “m on final semester” for more than dozens of times ryte,trust me being a final sem student is very depressing! When i get depress i tend to read alot. Its either i have internal conflict and get mixup i nvr noe myself. And yeah, i was hoping dat my friend will text me cuz i tot he vanish sumwhere on earth. Its not like m gonna kill him anyway. Okay now i got head ache. Ths is really “luahan perasaan” damn it.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Lost prince in shining armor?hahaha..
Today's class is quite fun! we have sum sortta mini presentation on work life balance, dat was done after a movie "the click" starring Adam Sandler. We need work life balance but dun get mixup cuzzzz..balance doesnt mean 50% life and 50% work..no doubt,it suppose to be an integration between both. Yeah i realized now dat i need diz thing cuz i can avoid inter/intra role conflict as i go on being an HR . I mean i dun wanna get tangle up in circumstances dat cost me to have an overlapping role. Big word control emotion. That is totally a hard thing to do..how i wish therz somebody who is patience enav to handle me..so dat they wont complaint,,"can u stop being emotional" hmmm..okay there's no such as thing as that. (no one will be dat kind i noe..lol)
Seems like its not going to rain today (not just yet) i miss basketball really,i wanna smash the ball hard!as hard as i can!throw it in d ring and scream "yeah!!!!!dats awesome". Anyone??wanna play wimme..???wish ther'll be d lost prince in shining armor come and play basketball wimme (semoga doa nina jd kenyataan..hahha)...okay now m talking nonsense! :D daaa..
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Merry merry miss independent
Behind The Scene
A picture only paints a thousand words
Things dun always what they see
You're only seeing apart of me
There's more than u could ever know
Behind the scenes
I'm incomplete and I'm undone
But I suppose like everyone
There's so much that going on
Behind the scene
This is the moment
It’s on the line
Which way you gonna fall?
In the middle between
Wrong and right
Are you who you always said you would be?
With a sinking feeling in your chest
Always waiting for someone else to fix you
Tell me when did you forget
Loreal Paris ELSEVE smooth intense

The last time m using herbal essence think it smells good rather than d effect. I was using d long term relationship one (pfffttt...why the hell it has such name on its red bottle). So I changed! been using Loreal for A YEAR ALREADY,, i really need a hair cut but i tell u what ths is d best hair treatment product. Oh, m using d orange color one, avoid puffiness,,so avoid being stupid wavy again..However, d shampoo doesnt work well without d conditioner. I used to hate loreal because it smells chemical BUT i was wrong . Tht was probably years ago,,I dun really remember d price..but d conditioner is rm15, d shampoo is around rm 18, d mask is rm 20++ and d serum is rm36..but it worth buying :)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Rain Pours
By chance do u guys love rains? Its not dat bad tho xcept it gives u flood, thats it but i love rains. It has been one of my obstinate manner,because my parents used to forbid me goin out for rain-shower thing. I always catch cold if i were to get into d rain. I even had 39 degree celcius temperature. (how sad an airhead asshole like me defeated by rain). It has been d second week of semester already, despite of my final semester its probably my final time being here as a student. Here comes d epic mments..ths university teach me smth and leave me smth dat i can carry back to my home soon. Ahhh i hate being so epic!shud be ready cuz HR is d position dat ppl hate d most. So i need to be a lil indifferent..dats all for diz morning.ahhh, i started feel hungry again.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Such as thing as Love?
First, why wud an arrogant like me missing smbdy who left for such uncertainty he created. In fact asking me to stop loving. Ths was an old story, probably get rusty over time. (but not for me) You ppl you dunno how my life had been going on those day. Yeah, I still keeping my pride, tho I wish I cud grab his collar and scream on him. "Do u noe how much i went mental?do u noe dat i love u damn much!!do u get me?do u hear what i'm saying??". Afterall it was just voices inside my brain. I can't even get a chance to see him nor talk to him tho i really wanna stand before him and make him see what m I. I ever asked a question, i wanna make sure, whether its really true ppl can fall in love with attitude. Also, I wanna reassure dat relationship can get interference with silly things.
Situation: There's a girl you bumped at the mall with her friends,she talk English but she's a malay,she gotta awkward chesty expression (in other word arrogant). What do you think?
It served right on my nose because d answer was, "no feeling,not my taste". It was rather laughable than shedding tears. So, that day I got all the answers that I wanted so much. There is no such as thing as falling in love with attitude. If something dat look ugly before the crowd, it can never turn into something pretty. (i overlooked on love). If d whole world said they hate it, its impossible there's only one person being so kind of liking dat attitude. I was dissapointed because d girl in d situation was me. Even more being dismay because of d person who answers it. So now, I don't ever believe anything regarding attitude-love whatsoever. (don't ever said I'm different because of my attitude cuz I hate it,really hate it and don't ever tell me m just d same with othrs either).Afterall, I will never give up my appaling manner. For me now d test of sincerity is when u can accept someone the way dey are regardless of wht shape they're in. Then only u feel happy about it. I tell u what d feel of acceptance is more precious than winning a Grammy because when u sincere, u'll still be happy no matter what happen.
i hate u i hate u i hate u
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Pushing The Car
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Clone Thing
Saturday, January 8, 2011
"thought u shud noe i try my best to let go of u"
Its a bit epic isn't it? A caveat for my brain before I went upside down on weekend. Do not get close with mushy poetry!I have no idea what to do on weekend? Lets see, if i were to play basketball, d fact is dat i'll get hell washed-out and probably spending sum 12 hours to sleep. I havent touch d ball for quite sumtime. My bony hand probably going ricket :D and my legs are getting feeble for games. I started to miss all d fun dat i had back ther (when i was still perky and insane). Its not dat i loose my interest but I have a sardine-box timetable. I really need somebody who can spend time wimme and play this crap out. When we get tired we stop and starts talking bout gadgets and new stuff. Well, seems like i dun have a buddy dat will talk gibberish bout PSP mobile and how cool mozart is. I still love the game so much. The best thing bout basketball is when u can do flips or dunk. It makes u feel like d world is yours. Then u wont stop throwing,bumping and anything dat ppl do in court. It was fun. I used to rip my pants and my knee (dat was a must,haha). Basketball can change life and can even give life. Sports always..always make relieved my messy brain. When i had smth unsolicited like last minute assignment date changed or anything, basketball give me fair time to let go all d burden in my head. When I step on it, i forget everything, I was d wildest person u ever seen. I'm so mental. Lately i kindda lost, d ball was my remedy but now i'm starting to miss it. Very badly. I used to be a dumb asshole and lumpish,haha..i even put sum serious feature, for me to have a guy i need to find somebody who play basketball..haha,d idea was to date on court,,stupid ain't it,so if ppl asked me why m i so keen and so frenzy on diz basketball thing, simple...BASKETBALL is my food for life..pathetic answer,tell u what in court u're free to scream,yell, throw,bumping,purposely knocking someone down..dats d idea,Well m starving now,see ya ppl.. (i owez have d unfinished lines ryte) haha..till then
Unconditional Hair

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Did i ever told you ppl morning class usually end up awesome?nope rite,dat was probably a phantom me. Strategic Human Resource Development class today got something dat really something. Now only I know dat I'm actually graduating as a specialist in HRD. Pathetic ain't it?Now only u noe who u are besides discovering my personality and I had done tons of personality whatsoever test. It's really mental!Today is my lucky day :( I was d first one pointed to answer a question. (excuse me for my lolypop on my left hand and microphone on d right). However, its not a hectic day cuz m still here talking nonsense(gibberish is my genetic),since for d entire week I dun even have evening class. (epic!).
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Word Smart::Music Smart
No doubt m a word smart cuz i love to read!reli love books and reading things. You see,sometimes wen u flip d front cover u can be so curious how d ending wud be. I'm sortta dat type. Besides nobody read books to get to d middle. I love thesaurus plus a portable dictionary. I noe its kindda weird but dats what happen. Music smart of course!everything about me can be define in musics. One of d song dat probably describe me (Francesca Battistelli-Free to be me). So that was it!!my second day of class. Ahh m gonna miss ol of this after d may end soon.
Stupid Girl: ‘Perempuan gedik yang very the suka mintak duit lelaki’ PANAS!!
First of all this is version yg a bit kasar. I dun have niat to point out to anyone but it’s a lesson for everyone. This is very general okay. Aku tak kisah orang nak ban aku but if its truth nak buat camne.
Simple je topic ni, perempuan gedik yang very the suka mintak duit lelaki. Kalau dah married takpe. But in this world rarely la I jumpa org yg dah married buat “ what’s yours is mine” biasela, before marriage whatever pn yours wen dah married “what yours remain yours, mine is mine”. I met a lot of people in this world. I had travel far away frm home and see gelagat manusia yg sometimes merepek mcm kerepek yg direpek. I’m so allergic ble ade org kutuk my own kind. Which is obviously the XX gene. But to deny the points yg dilontarkan cm lempar cakera tu, I can’t because definitely I lost my case. Perempuan gedik yg suka mintak duit lelaki ni mmg exist. I dun understand why the hell nk buat cmtu. Mintak duit Kalau nk buat ubat cancer or sakit jantung ke xpe gak. Ni nak buat shopping, travel and so on..Ridiculous betol. Please la ak bukan nk mengutuk tapi Kalau dah bajet hotttt mcm hot dog kat Kyros Kebab memang tak tahan. Dahla bajet hottt mntk duit kt bf plak tu. Untuk ape ko jadi hot gle kalo mntk duit bf ko at the end of the day bf ko tu bley bankrupt. Tak pn bf ko tu pg carik pmpuan lain and revenge kt org lain. Shucks!. Dalam dunia ni byk cara dari bajet hot. Ak tau ko hot tapi ak ni dah travel byk and ak jmpe byk kawan2 yg mmg glerrrr hotttt dr ko tp perangai diorg senonoh arah. Honestly, I love stalking cute and pretty girls. Especially yg berakhlak mulia. Sgt ske tgok. I’m not homosexual okay, but I just love watching them. Paling penting diorg tu tak mntak duit bf diorg and sgt sopan santun (yg original).
In this world we dun have to be such parasite okay. We live in the round shape earth, trust me what goes around comes around. I dun give a shit seriously. Kalau ak jmpe pmpuan cmni kat tepi jalan mmg aku tampar. Kalau my brother’s gf mcm tu mmg aku ugut bunuh pmpuan tu. Gile duit sangat. Bukannye mati pn kalau xshopping kat zara,MNG, and so on..Dahtu nk plak holiday kat aussie la,Sweden la, medan la, bali la, Singapore la..pkai la duit sendiri. Semua nk mntk bf, gle kentang la. Lg satu ske sgt fake fake fake…shape, perangai nmpak okay. Kat blakang perangai cm hape je. Alahai kalau nk bgn dr tmpat duduk pn nk cover ape kes!!!Aku yg pmpuan ni pn lemau tgok. Kalau nk dudk just sit.If you wanna do it just do it. Faking yourself in public doesn’t make u a diva. Please.Not To Me! This type of girl will never learn to be a –never-spoiled-child-.So learn a lesson la.
New Songs

1. Gone- Nelly ft Kelly Rowland
2.Avril Lavinge-What The Hell
3.The Band Perry-You Lie
4.Fucking Perfect-Pink
5.Speechless-Alicia Keys ft Eve
6.Liv Tonight-Nelly ft Keri Hilson
7.Six foot seven foot-Lil Wayne
Note dat sum of d song are not in Malaysia yet (:
Monday, January 3, 2011
Cool Mozart

- Weight:130 grams (4.59 ounces) with battery
- Type: Touch screen with pinch-to-zoom capability
- Size: 3.7 inches
- Resolution: 480 x 800 WVGA
- Camera:8 megapixel color camera::Auto focus and Xenon flash::Built-in scenes include candlelight, landscape, and portrait match the environment of your subject
- Platform5:Windows® Phone OS 7
- Battery type: Rechargeable Lithium-ion battery polymer or Lithium-ion battery
- Capacity: 1300 mAh
- Talk time:WCDMA:: Up to 330 mins--GSM: Up to 405 mins
- Standby time3:WCDMA: Up to 435 hours--GSM: Up to 360 hours
- Internal storage: 8 GB
ROM: 512 MB
RAM: 576 MB

New Year Appearance:
Mission 2011:
Sun and Lemonade [freedom]
Wrap 2010 in a box
Eternal Breakthrough
Getting Job
I decided:
Wrist Band dat look like an ancient amulet
Musics Addiction
Rugby fanatic
Favourite Smell
Kinder Bueno
ahhhhhhhhhhh,,,its a long list i decided to be myself!
who cares a girl talk in english because she loves it, and it has nothing to do with other ppl
who cares a girl do something silly, because that herself
who cares a girl who being an airhead..i like being myself..a change will take thousand years to be perfect and i dont need perfections.
New Year. Tragedy
Today! is my 1st day of class and last nite was my 1st day in college. Of course u wont be able to see alot of human being hanging out under apartment building cuz some of em are still in vacation mode. It was d freakiest nite ever!Bad nightmare reli kills me :O Anyone here can explain how on earth your dream turn up to be horrible. I can feel d pain after I was shaken abruptly by dat thng. Jeez, pls no more such dream! So, today d class officially start wiv Mdm Dyg Kartini :) However before goin to class shower was d most difficult thng! It was indeed cold like Europe winter season!!!!and suprisely!!!thnk i' HOMESICK!