First of all this is version yg a bit kasar. I dun have niat to point out to anyone but it’s a lesson for everyone. This is very general okay. Aku tak kisah orang nak ban aku but if its truth nak buat camne.
Simple je topic ni, perempuan gedik yang very the suka mintak duit lelaki. Kalau dah married takpe. But in this world rarely la I jumpa org yg dah married buat “ what’s yours is mine” biasela, before marriage whatever pn yours wen dah married “what yours remain yours, mine is mine”. I met a lot of people in this world. I had travel far away frm home and see gelagat manusia yg sometimes merepek mcm kerepek yg direpek. I’m so allergic ble ade org kutuk my own kind. Which is obviously the XX gene. But to deny the points yg dilontarkan cm lempar cakera tu, I can’t because definitely I lost my case. Perempuan gedik yg suka mintak duit lelaki ni mmg exist. I dun understand why the hell nk buat cmtu. Mintak duit Kalau nk buat ubat cancer or sakit jantung ke xpe gak. Ni nak buat shopping, travel and so on..Ridiculous betol. Please la ak bukan nk mengutuk tapi Kalau dah bajet hotttt mcm hot dog kat Kyros Kebab memang tak tahan. Dahla bajet hottt mntk duit kt bf plak tu. Untuk ape ko jadi hot gle kalo mntk duit bf ko at the end of the day bf ko tu bley bankrupt. Tak pn bf ko tu pg carik pmpuan lain and revenge kt org lain. Shucks!. Dalam dunia ni byk cara dari bajet hot. Ak tau ko hot tapi ak ni dah travel byk and ak jmpe byk kawan2 yg mmg glerrrr hotttt dr ko tp perangai diorg senonoh arah. Honestly, I love stalking cute and pretty girls. Especially yg berakhlak mulia. Sgt ske tgok. I’m not homosexual okay, but I just love watching them. Paling penting diorg tu tak mntak duit bf diorg and sgt sopan santun (yg original).
In this world we dun have to be such parasite okay. We live in the round shape earth, trust me what goes around comes around. I dun give a shit seriously. Kalau ak jmpe pmpuan cmni kat tepi jalan mmg aku tampar. Kalau my brother’s gf mcm tu mmg aku ugut bunuh pmpuan tu. Gile duit sangat. Bukannye mati pn kalau xshopping kat zara,MNG, and so on..Dahtu nk plak holiday kat aussie la,Sweden la, medan la, bali la, Singapore la..pkai la duit sendiri. Semua nk mntk bf, gle kentang la. Lg satu ske sgt fake fake fake…shape, perangai nmpak okay. Kat blakang perangai cm hape je. Alahai kalau nk bgn dr tmpat duduk pn nk cover ape kes!!!Aku yg pmpuan ni pn lemau tgok. Kalau nk dudk just sit.If you wanna do it just do it. Faking yourself in public doesn’t make u a diva. Please.Not To Me! This type of girl will never learn to be a –never-spoiled-child-.So learn a lesson la.
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